Superwool XTRA engineered for superior chemical resistance and zero crystalline silica formation

Over the last two decades, our journey of continued research and development to pursue alternatives to Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF) has essentially supported the improvement of our Low Biopersistent (LBP) Fibres, AES grade Superwool® HT and Superwool® Plus, by developing manufacturing methods, raw materials, process control, in-service performance, market needs, energy saving insulation amongst many more capabilities.
Thermal Ceramics is extending its product range with a high temperature, LBP fibre called Superwool® XTRA which has a classification temperature of 1450°C/2600°F and comparative if not better pollution resistance than RCF.
Superwool® XTRA has a unique chemistry composition that can now replace RCF 1400°C/2550°F applications with a LBP, exonerated fibre.
- Exonerated from carcinogen classification and not classified as hazardous by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis
- Superwool® XTRA does not form crystalline silica when exposed to high temperatures
- Our Superwool® XTRA fibre has been proven in targeted applications, with over 4 years success. Read our case study to find out more.
- Proven to perform better than RCF with most industrial furnace pollutants, especially alkali metals. The only exonerated fibre on the market with this performance
- With higher thermal expansion, Superwool® XTRA heals shrinkage gaps in the furnace insulation as the furnace heats up. Our video shows expansion in action.
- High melting point for high over temperature protection (>1650°C)
- Designed to replace RCF 1400°C applications
- Different from anything else available in the market place due to its chemical formulation
Superwool® XTRAis available in multiple forms:
Safety Datasheets for our Superwool® XTRA low bio-persistent fibres can be found here.
Provides low biopersistence, high temperature, thermal insulation for specialised applications in:
- Petrochemical
- Ethylene cracker
- Ammonia reformer
- Flare stack
- Shadow box
- Iron & Steel
- Tundish covers
- Forge furnace
- Submerged entry nozzles
- Coking plant
- *Ceramics & *Glass
- Sintering furnaces
- Furnace (fire-off)
*Selected applications only.
Superwool® XTRA is made from a unique chemistry composition that allows exceptional high temperature performance.
Contact us today to learn more about using Superwool® XTRA in your thermal management application.