Pyro-Bloc Modules for high temperature insulation linings
Pyro-Bloc® Modules are the market leading insulation solution for furnace lining systems. Pyro-Bloc® Modules are the only ‘monolithic’ refractory fibre module on the market. They are ideal for fast installation in industrial heaters, boilers and furnaces. Pyro-Bloc® Modules are available in Refractory Ceramic Fibres (RCF) and Superwool® Low Biopersistent Fibres.

Our Pyro-Bloc range comprises two fibre grades:
- Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) log made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre Superwool®
- Refractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) log made from, Cerablanket® (R grade), Cerachrome® (C grade), and Cerachem® (ZR grade)
The Pyro-Bloc® Modules offer all the thermal insulation performance of our fibre blanket products, in an uncompressed modular form and are available in densities up to 240 kg/m3 (15 pcf).
Superwool® offers exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and is resistant to chemical attack. Superwool® is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300°C (2372°F).
Superwool® fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool® fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67/548. All Superwool® fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe.
All our RCF Pyro-Bloc® Modules are lightweight and strong, with low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings.
Cerablanket® (R grade), Cerachrome® (C grade) and Cerachem® (ZR grade) offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. Cerablanket® (R grade) is classified to 1316°C (2400°F). Cerachrome® (C grade) and Cerachem® (ZR grade) are classified to 1427°C (2600°F).
Pyro-Bloc® Modules are engineered with an internal anchoring hardware system that allows fast and secure attachment to furnace casings. The monolithic blocks can easily be cut to shape (for example around openings) on site if necessary.
Pyro-Bloc® Modules provide easy to use, efficient thermal lining for all types of high temperature processing equipment such as:
- Homogenising furnaces
- Process heaters
- Ceramic kilns
- Annealing furnaces
- Heat treating furnaces
- Thermal oxidisers
We can advise on the optimum Pyro-Bloc® Modules products for your high temperature equipment. We also offer a complete furnace lining design service. Contact us for more information.